Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Weird Grandmother

Last week my granddaughter, sheepishly, told me that one of the girls in the camp told her that her grandmother is weird.

I ask my grand how did she answer her. "I told her that she was weird."

I told my grand the next time you tell her, "My grandmother is very proud to be weird, and she thanks you for the compliment. My grandmother said, she has really worked hard to be weird, and different, and free to be herself, and she has finally made it. She is so happy that some one has noticed."

Of course, my grand looked at me as though I had lost it. She said, "I would never say anything like that to her or any one."

Later she told me that she told the girl what I said. The little girl answered, "I don’t care."

I told my grand, Well, I would rather you turned it into a positive because I am not ashamed to be weird or whoever it is that some one decides what I am because I can only be me.

Besides, whatever any one says about me is none of my business. My mother always said that it took her all day to tend to her business and the other part to stay out of every one else’s. So, let’s stay out of other people’s business.

Today the hurtful antics that come out of some daycare settings are really demeaning on all levels. How is a child to grow with so much negative reinforcement that goes unchecked in those motherless holding pens. Right now, there are a couple of young workers working for us who were raised in those holding pens and their attitudes and work ethics are questionable. I fear for the children raised on the streets in so many war zones of the world. I pray our earth does not turn into the "hell holes depicted on the movie screens of the world." It is really spooky.....

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