Thursday, July 3, 2008

Unsolicited Information

Today is another day in the neighborhood, and it is indeed a great day. On Wednesday, I go to HR to sign the exit papers for my impending retirement. I am very anxious about the date. Once I sign the papers, it will be like getting married or divorced again. I am so anxious for this new phase of my life.

I find that I am giving more unsolicited information than I need to. I remember when my grandmother was on her death bed. I had to go to the hospital to ask her how to cook "poke salad" for the life of me I couldn’t remember. When I got to her bed side, she slowly opened her eyes and told me. "Candygal, this really is the last time I will be able to tell you how to cook greens of any kind, so pay attention." She commenced to slowly tell me to make sure that I understood; then, she asked me to repeat the directions to her, which I did. She promptly went back into her getting ready to die, mindset. Before I left the room, she asked once more, "do you have the directions?" "You know; I will not be able to tell you again." Once again, I assured her that I would never forget. Needless to say, some things I have forgotten, and I do forget a lot of things, but I have never forgotten how to cook greens, especially, poke salad. However, I could not pick them out in a wild field because I don’t remember what they look like, but I could clean and cook a batch if they showed up on my door step.

So, I find that I am constantly giving unsolicited information because I won’t be able to tell you again. So, you have to remember. I will slowly slip into my retirement mind set--coast.

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