Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Good Closing Statement

Day three
I want to begin by saying the underpinning mantra of my 8 year old granddaughter is "I want to go home." Today, I told her that it was between her father and her. I wanted to say "between her father, her and the mule" I left that comment for the left side of my brain. It has been so long since I have seriously suffered from sleep deprivation that my poor body is shaking and my mind is coming up with notions I would normally never be privy too. I know, I know you want examples.

Last night, when I picked up my grand, of course, she wasn’t ready as planned. She knows we have to run a half block to get the bus. When we got on the bus she was so happy. It seems there is another 8 yo in camp who is her crony---thank goodness! So, my grand can’t wait to get to camp. However, this morning was a different story.

Last night, at 8:00pm we were walking to Publix’s for milk. I don’t go any where in the dark let alone to Publix’s for milk. I had her to write a list of what we needed before we left. It turned out to be a nice evening for a walk. When we got back, I told her that I would like for her to be in bed by 9:30pm at least. Now, at 9:30 pm I had to wash a load of clothes because she wears the same shirt every day. Yesterday, I did not wash the shirt, and we had a wicked conversation about two small stains on her shirt. Of course, I could not see them. I considered "spitting on the stains to wash them out" but that would have "grossed" her out--that is that left brain thing. I live in a condo, so I have to share the washer and dryer with 65 other people and walk to the middle of the building to use them. By 11:00pm I have finished washing and drying our one load of stuff. I lay on the AeroBed with her to talk a little about how nice it is and how she could see the sky from the large windows and the lamp was on, but she wanted to lay on the chaise in my room. However, she sleeps with the house lite up like a Christmas tree, and I need complete darkness, so her in the chaise notion was not an option.

I had to start to remember how to close a sale because I had to sell her on the AeroBed in the middle of the livingroom. I don’t remember the closer, but she slept on that AeroBed, and I finally got to sleep in my bed; then, that 5:30 am alarm went off. I couldn’t beleive it. What happened to the night?

When I called my grand, she ignored me and went back to sleep. Needless to say, she didn’t want a shower, she didn’t want breakfast, she didn’t want to dress, nor did she want to leave the house. Today, I told her that I had to turn in my grades, so I have to go to work, and you have to go to camp. And, no she could not use my office because my office mate is completing an important project, and she needs a place with complete quiet and no interruptions. I’m getting really good with these closers. If cars were selling, I could use this experience to sell used cars. I think I have the closer a little closer to a real close.

As I was taking her to the door of "Kidscene Day Camp" she whined, "I want to go home." My right brain said out loud, "That is between you and your father." My left brain said within my soul, "We just need a date and a ticket for the next Amtrak leaving Miami."

Believe me, I am working it. Of course, my son keeps saying, "Mom, I love you." Good Closing, Huh??

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