Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sleep Deprivation

Day four,
You would think by day four that we would have a pattern of some sort down pat, but the saga continues.

Last night when I went to pick up my grand from camp there was a note on the door. "We are in building 9 and will return at 5:30 pm; however, you can pick up your child at buidling 9." You know, I had walked very fast from building 2 to building 3 which is on the other side a very large campus. Only to be disappointed by the sign on the door, for some unknown reason, I just sat on the bench for almost a half hour in the rain thinking about the walk to building 9. While I was there, I fielded many questions about the sign. Then, I decided I would walk to building 9 to retrieve my child and get the next bus at 5:30 pm.

When I got to the building 9, there was police festival of some sort going on. The children were wearing painted faces and having a grand time. I walked in quickly retrieved my child and started to walk to the other side of the campus to catch the 5:30 pm bus. Needless to say, my grand had to go to the restroom, had to wash the paint off her face because she said, "I look like a dorky clown," and chattered like the Mad Hatter the whole time. When we got on the bus, she tried to go to sleep. I told her that if she went to sleep that I would not make her oatmeal for dinner. We had to do some sort of ritual with the "pinky fingers" so that our deal was sealed. She stayed awake and talked to me about her "anti-drug" experience, and how she won her prizes.

The rain did not let up but continued its momentum then got worse the closer we got to home. Thankfully, the driver, who is one of my former students, let us off at the bus shelter that is in front of the condo. Because my grand had left her bag with her umbrella and other things, we had to share my umbrella. I taught her how two people link arms and walk closely together to stay as dry as possible under one umbrella. She giggled and had a good time.

When we got home, I made her oatmeal with cinnamon and blueberry syrup. She ate all of it. She played on the computer for about a half hour. I lay on the the bed and started to watch a black and white TCM movie with Sophia Loren. I didn’t think my grand would enjoy the movie, but she wanted to join me when she finished her allotted time on the computer. She got comfortable in the chaise. I heard her muse, "Oooh! my favorite chair." Within a few minutes, I heard soft snoring. I called her and told her to get in the AeroBed if she were going to sleep. I called her twice, she stomped out of the room and told me, "you didn’t have to holler at me." I don’t know how to holler, so I will ask her how does one do that trick.

By 9:00 pm, she was sound asleep on the AeroBed with all the lights in the house OFF. She was exhausted.

I, on the other hand, spent the entire night wide awake.

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