Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Journal Entry--Ramble

The summer is flying by so quickly. Last week a lady hugged me too tightly and my neck went out again. I was so sick and overcome with a sense of being overwhelmed that I became the crankiest human on earth. However, with the help of a dear friend, I was able to put things into proper prospectus and to help the young people I am responsible for to understand their purpose in my life, and I in theirs. For you see, I was trying to man the ship alone, so they thought that was my position. Now that we are sharing on all levels, it is so much better for all of us, and we are enjoying and appreciating each other even more.

Yesterday, I finally went to the chiropractor for relief. I was welcomed and made to feel as though my life has meaning on this plane. When "my neck" is in such pain, I often have a sense of dread that this is the end. I don’t know why or what nerve is being pinched that prompts me to think that way, but I have a tendency to take that train of thought.

And so, today, after my treatment--a message from an expert who is a caring professional, who knows me and cares for me with so much love. A loving doctor who gave me a hug so that I know that I don’t have to run from a hugger. That there is such a thing as a gentle hug. I have such a love for the people who care for me that I keep them loaded in my prayers and within that part of my soul that holds all my love. Whenever I think of them, it makes me glow...I am beginning to appreciate the glow that love evokes when one is truly cared for.

I am so grateful and so appreciative to all the people who are in my life’s circle. It makes me feel as though I do have a purpose on this earth. Even if I think that I am not leading a "purposeful life" at the moment. My only desire is to be healthy so that I can do what ever I want after I come down to earth...or shall I say retire.

I have noticed that my ramblings and thoughts of my rambles have really helped me to stay mentally and emotionally healthy as well. I seem to be even more aware of what is happening in my world and the lives of others. I totally understand their needs even if some of it scares me. On some level, I know that all will be well.

Our country has gone through some very extraordinary economic challenges and natural disasters before, so I know that it too will be resolved. I guess it is the change that keeps us coming up with new ways to be supportive of each other. If nothing else, all families will have to be more supportive of each other, we will all have to come up to the yoke to help pull our families out of some of the nonsense that we fell victim to because of the way that properties soared out of reach, and the use of credit cards, and the debt that really served some else, so that the victim would pay interest for the rest of his/her life on so little, and the interest paid on savings accounts and mutual funds don’t amount to a hill of beans; however, if you try to spend your own money, you can’t touch it without an act of congress--you must be retired. It has all been nonsense or corruption. I just hope that when Marie Antionette’s head rolls that we will still be a some what loving and caring nation...

The "Icing on the Cake" my sister sent me an email with the closings of so many businesses. I emailed her back and said "Great, now it will give more Mom and Pop’s an opportunity to open small businesses that will not fail before they have paid off the mortgage, sent a couple of kids to college, or even developed a good financial retirement plan." Every thing must out live itself so that others have an opportunity to thrive... sort of like burning the brush before a strike of lightening causes a real forest fire.

End of ramble, now, I can go get a cup of coffee. Thanks for reading my "stuff."

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